Student Life at TSS


The Summit School offers early childhood education to children before they begin their elementary level. In our school the facilitators help the student’s emotional, social and personal growth. A day at the pre primary level would encompass rhyme, story time, art-craft, dance, handling of sensorial apparatus and theme based activities which help lay the foundation for a reading-writing programme. At TSS, we believe in free play method as it serves as a natural way for them to explore, express and involve with the world around them.


The Summit School offers early childhood education to children before they begin their elementary level. In our school the facilitators help the student’s emotional, social and personal growth. A day at the pre primary level would encompass rhyme, story time, art-craft, dance, handling of sensorial apparatus and theme based activities which help lay the foundation for a reading-writing programme. At TSS, we believe in free play method as it serves as a natural way for them to explore, express and involve with the world around them.

Each day’s lesson at TSS, comprises a healthy mix of curricular and cocurricular modules. Celebrations, competitions, excursions, field trips and events form important parts of the school calendar. Various cultural festivals are celeberated with enthusiasm in order to bring together TSS family. At The Summit School we lay due emphasis on different activities through active participation in various social, athletic and artistic clubs. Apart from participating in literary and creative skills competition, TSS lays special emphasis on the wellbeing of their physical as well as mental health through various activities like yoga, sports and meditation.


The curriculum in Middle School will focus on the three branches of Science along with Humanities subjects. This will kindle the spirit of exploring the wonders of scientific phenomenon in everyday life through experiments in well equipped Maths/Science labs. Focus mainly will be on strengthening the language, numerical, scientific and IT skills that will lay the foundation for development of interest in relevant course of study for higher classes.


After the Middle School, when children enter the High School, TSS prepares them for further challenges. At this stage, students have a more structured approach towards future. Projects are planned to integrate knowledge and skills acquired by students in various subjects and serve as a concrete step towards developing inter disciplinary approaches in later years. The curriculum focuses on constructivism, inquisitiveness, self reflection, collaboration and integrative approach.